Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Prone to Wander

I was sitting in a beautifully paneled office today doing my warm up exercises while waiting for the chiropractor.  Over the speakers I heard this gorgeous instrumental music.  I gulped down the lump in my throat and blinked away the tears.  It was a song I know well.  As the music played I heard the words in my head and felt them in my heart.

Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise my Ebenezer
Here by Thy great help I've come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home

Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wandering from the throne of God
He to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

Oh, to grace how great a debtor
Daily Im constrained to be
Let that grace now, like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Heres my heart, oh, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, Im fixed upon it
Mount of Thy unchanging love


I miss worshiping with those I love.  
I miss the divine and sacred experiences of being wholly (and thus holy) with others. 
It's not gone from my life forever. In fact, I think I have had more holy and sacred experience since I have decided to live wholly. But I felt the longing, the yearning today.  

And that's ok. 

And because that's ok I can see that I am making progress.

I *love* this version. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the words and her gorgeous voice! With tears running down my face, it touched my aching heart. Just what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing ~ Wendy


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