Wednesday, May 27, 2015

If you need me I'll be over here eating muffins...

Living authentically is HARD. Crazy hard.  
I realized today I've been in numb mode.  
Numb the pain...and the joy. 
In order to get to the joy one must wade through the mire of pain.
At least acknowledge it is there and the muck stinks.

But I don't want to be vulnerable. Not yet. 
Maybe in my small circles of safety.


I've been thinking a lot about people EARNING the right to hear your story.  I want my story to be heard and validated but I don't want to throw it at just any passer-by (like random readers on the internet who I may or may not know in real life...hmm...AWKWARD)

For now I will reflect on the gratitude that I have found a select few.

It's not easy though. 
I'm really wishing for a magic wand or fairy godmother to come in and pack boxes and help me deal with the muck.  Or just deal with it FOR me.  

Too bad I don't believe in fairies. 
(Clap! Clap if you believe!)
Or maybe I just misplaced her phone number. 
 I'm sure I'll find it while I'm packing. 

Meanwhile I'm simply repeating this over and over until it sinks in: 


  1. Hugs! I love you and admire the heck out of you!

  2. You are enough! You are a rock star & I love you! ♡

  3. You are enough! You are a rock star & I love you! ♡


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Please be respectful of my journey. There are ups and downs and you are free to move on if you don't feel comfortable with the content. Be aware that I will remove any comments that are hurtful or offensive.