Friday, May 9, 2014

Work Your Own Program

After the healing high of The Togetherness Project I came back to real life and let life get back in the way. I let myself get distracted with my husband's recovery. I let my worries and judgements of others seemingly judging me get in the way of BEING ME and Working my own program.  Thank goodness my counselor was able to help point me straight again. (Not that it was easy-I hate seeing that I'm turned 180 degrees when I thought I was only a few off--no wonder I was headed in the wrong direction...) So I'm trying to work MY program as prescribed by ME, what speaks to my heart and soul.

And I just found this new artist that I *LOVE*: mikaela kahn Some people describe her as the next Sara Bareilles. Which is lovely.


  1. I downloaded one of her songs… she sounds beautiful. Oh yeah, and move to my neighborhood please.

  2. I love you!
    And I love that last part: my own program as prescribed by me! We are really the only ones who know exactly what we need. Everyone's story and coping ability is a little bit different.

  3. Good music helps. I am loving Sarah McLachlan's new release. Watch for happy mail coming soon!


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