Monday, May 19, 2014

What a piece of work is man

Professor M. would always start class with a quote from one of his two favorite people; Shakespear or himself.  His rich Indian accent, a knowing glint in his eye and a chuckle always accompanied his favorite sayings.  standing in front of the room with his sweater on and his brown balding head shining in the florescent lighting he would stand behind the lectern and offer up wisdom for us to ponder. "what a piece of work is man!"

Indeed. I think we often underestimate the power and beauty we possess. We look at our life and think, "What a mess!"

I am not an organized person by nature. I have piles where others might have labeled boxes. I do consider myself creative but not an artist. (An artist should know painting and proportions or something. I just make it up as I go.) My lack of organization and discipline to keep things today has sometimes been a point of shame and embarrassment.

But I'm tired of being ashamed. I'm tired of being embarrassed. I want to be REAL, piles and all. Because I believe God made me and i believe I have just as much potential for beauty as I do for mess.

I found this card the other day and gave it to my husband. I believe we are here to see what we can become, who we can create ourselves to be. There is power in deciding and doing that is not part of finding. (though i believe there is also substantial finding in the process).

What a piece of work is man!

Yes. A masterpiece.
Deep. Messy at times. And beautiful.
i needed to share those thoughts. Now I'm off to create myself.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. just beautiful. I needed to hear this today.


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